Our handcrafted orbs were recently featured by BeaurCombs & Associates Inc., a landscape architecture firm out of Washington State.
Their post, Brighten Up Your Winter with Landscape Lighting, features NightOrbs as a fun outdoor lighting option. Here’s an excerpt from the post:
For an instant splash of outdoor color, my favorite outdoor lighting is Tom Rupnicki’s handblown NightOrbs www.nightorbs.com (Jupiter Orb shown above). NightOrbs may be placed just about anywhere in the landscape to brighten up dark winter days and nights. Be sure to place these beautiful artworks where they can be seen from indoor windows or entryways.
TIP: If the ground is too frozen to install a low-voltage system, no worries, you can still enjoy NightOrbs in the daytime. Just place NightOrbs where you want a spectacular splash of color and hook up the electricity in the spring!